Eileen Balesteri is a self-proclaimed "Foodie" and recipe tweaker. She writes a periodic food column for The Daily Journal Newspaper (a Gannett publication) in Vineland, New Jersey where she is a member of the Food Advisory Board.

Born and raised in Southern New Jersey, she now resides with her husband and three children in the quaint, rural community of Richland, N.J.

She also shares her home with Summer, the sweetest dog in the world, her two cats, Blue and Tink, a Siamese fighting fish named Ting-Ting, and a guinea pig named Rocky.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Woke up, got outta bed...

Ahhh.  There's nothing like a full nights sleep (anything over five hours constitutes a full nights sleep for me) to get cha goin'... 

Saturdays are kind of lazy for us.  My husband usually makes the coffee, and we sit and watch back to back episodes of Sell This House on A & E.  I like the ideas, and Dave likes to see what Tanya is wearing.  We enjoy mocking some of the people and critiqueing the designs. 

I love these "before & after" shows.  On my DVR, I recorded "Sarah's House" (the best, new to HGTV design show out there) it's fast paced, funny and smart so we threw in an episode of that this morning as well. 

Enough about home design.  This is supposed to be about food.

I said on my last post that I'd include something more colorful and healthier than my last recipe, so I thought I'd share this breakfast idea with you. 

Since I'm now middle age (What? I am too middle age! I plan to live well into my 90's, so yes, I'm my own middle age~) I've recently begun changing my food choices and habits.

Even though I hate it, I know breakfast is important for maintaining healthy weight. The problem for me is that I'm not into pre-packaged processed foods, or eggs, or pancakes.

I needed to come up with something that appealed to my finicky taste while contributing some sort of notable "fuel" or "purpose" to my body.

This little dish is something I've been eating a few times a week lately.  I really like it and it appeals to my taste. 

I realize this has crumbled bleu cheese in it, but if you're going to eat a higher content of calories, doesn't it make sense to eat them in the morning to give you more time throughout the day to burn them off?  That's my thinking, anyway...

Besides,  I break less than an ounce off the block and crumble it myself.  The whole block is only 4 ounces, and I get at least five servings out of it.  The calorie count is high (100 cal. per oz.) in the cheese, but it's real food, and since I've started eating this 3 weeks ago, I've already lost 8 pounds..."yay."

*3 big strawberries, quartered.
*7 black or red seedless grapes, halved.
*3 or 4 walnut halves, crumbled.
*1 ounce bleu cheese, crumbled.
*1 or 2 tablespoons nonfat vanilla yogurt (I like Greek yogurt)

Add them to a cereal bowl in the order I have them listed and enjoy!  (ok, ok, you can add them in whatever order you choose--I'm working on my control issues...)

This is a picture of my breakfast today...both before yogurt & after...


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